Sunday, May 17, 2020

Physical And Emotional Abuse And Child Neglect - 994 Words

In light of this information, when would Jesus say that divorce was a legitimate option? He doesn’t tell us that any other situations are a case for divorce. What then do we tell those that are in horrible abusive relationships? What do we tell those that have been raped? What about child abuse or child neglect? If you see your spouse in that situation with your children are you supposed to let it go on only because it’s not adultery? I believe that this is one of the things that make what Jesus said so unclear. There are many situations that require the action of removal. Physical and emotional abuse are two very, very clear cases for this. When a spouse is actively attacking the other with intent to harm or put the other â€Å"in their place† separation must happen. The wellbeing of the victim is of upmost importance. I believe that Jesus would say this as well. What if the feeling of love is lost between the two parties? If there are other grounds for divorce then is this okay? No, this is not divorce worthy. You work it out and learn to love the other. This learning to love is how many arranged marriages work. Holdeman Mennonites have a similar thing to an arranged marriage. One marries within a year of telling the other person about their feelings if the church elders find this relationship to be of God. The rest of their life is when they â€Å"date† the person they are married to. There are many things that can be taken away from Jesus’ teachings. The first is quite simpleShow MoreRelatedHistory of Child Abuse1113 Words   |  5 PagesHistory of child abuse BSHS/408 February 15 2016 Chiffone N Shelton Abstract In order to discuss child abuse and neglect it is important to have a clear understanding of what child abuse and neglect is and the different form of child abuse. 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